Campus Representative of
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology School of Rural Management
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology School of Rural Management
The impressive economic growth in India in the last decade, notwithstanding the level of rural poverty and unemployment, remains high and the problem of rural urban disparity continues to exacerbate. Existing rural institutions have not been given space to develop and transform themselves. Instead, repeated attempts have been made to undermine their relevance. It is in this context that the KIIT School of Rural Management (KSRM) has been conceived, keeping in view the current Human Resource and Knowledge Development needs of the rural economy in the country. KSRM has established a strong tradition in research among is faculty and students to identify and fill the knowledge gaps in various areas of rural management and development. The KSRM will provide a forum to rural management professionals and practitioners having interest in rural development to strengthen teaching, training, research, knowledge exchange and policy proofing at the local, national and international levels
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