Campus Representative of
College of Engineering
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About College of Engineering
Top fourth engineering college in India after IITs. Produces skilled students.
It is the one of the most prominant colleges in INDIA. It stands next to the IIT. It stands top ranking in the CAMPUS PLACEMENT
College of Engineering, Guindy, started in 1794 as School of Survey, is one of the oldest engineering institutions in the world. Currently one of the constituent colleges of Anna University, it encourages exemplary engineering and kindles the spirit of research amongst its students. Innovation and imagination have been two keywords along its 200 year old evolution.
Rhodes India ranks College of Engineering, Guindy as 9th among the Top 10 Engineering Colleges in India. College of Engineering, Guindy has been ranked 12th among the engineering colleges in India by the India Today magazine in its annual ranking of India''s top undergraduate institutions in 2006.
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