College Name: |
Netaji Subhash College,Raipur,MP
Address: |
Belbhata, Abhanpur, Raipur, MP-493661 Helpline: 09926-62830,094252-14038, 0651-2261478 |
City: |
Raipur Colleges in Raipur |
State: |
Madhya Pradesh Find Colleges in Madhya Pradesh |
Phone Number: |
09926-62830, 094252-14038 |
Email: |
Official Website: |
University: |
Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University |
Other popular names: NSC,Raipur
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Netaji Subhash College,Raipur,MP
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About Netaji Subhash College,Raipur,MP
College location and education is good. College Name : Netaji Subhash College,Raipur,MP [ AICTE, Affiliated to PT.Ravishankar Shukla Univ.Raipur ]
College Address : Belbhata, Abhanpur, Raipur, MP-493661 Helpline: 09926-62830,094252-14038, 0651-2261478
Course Details : B.P.ED. [ One Year Course ]
Facility : 100% Placement with Campus selection.
Misc.Info. : Please dial phone and click website
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