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Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar

This college post on IndiaStudyChannel gives complete information about Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar Haryana. Find out information about the different trades and courses being offered at Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar, the course admission capacity, fees taken by the college and other related information of this college. Also find contact details and website information to get in touch with the college.
College Name: Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar
Address: 8Km.Milestone, Jhajjar-Kosli Road, Fatehpuri, Jhajjar, Haryana
City: Jhajjar   Colleges in Jhajjar
State: Haryana   Find Colleges in Haryana
Phone Number: 080 53111222-666
Official Website:
University: Maharshi Dayanand University
Other popular names: Cbs College Jhajjar

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Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar

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About Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar

Fee for B.Tech courses - Rs 50000 per annum

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Courses in Cbs Group of Institutions Jhajjar

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Civil EngineeringRs. 59,500/- per year60
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications EngineeringRs. 59,500/- per year60
B.Tech. Computer Science and EngineeringRs. 59,500/- per year60
M.C.ARs. 46,900/- per year120
B.Tech Electrical EngineeringRs. 59,500/- per year60
M.B.ARs. 46,900/- per year120
B.Tech Mechanical EngineeringRs. 59,500/- per year60
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Posted By: Amar Nath Das    Posted Date: 28 Aug 2010   
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CBS Group of Institutions is all set to unleash a new era in the education sector of India by offering a much needed distinctive platform to thousands of students to launch their successful careers. John Dewey in his famous work Democracy and Education says that a true education teaches people to learn and then only they can accomplish anything they put their minds, hearts, and hands to. We at the institute are trying to infuse that confidence into the hearts of our students.

CBS is a future-centric globally-oriented educational institution being developed as per international education standards established under the aegis of Ch. Bhim Singh Institute of Science & Technology Trust (CBIST) an initiative by H R Group. These institutes of education are approved by AICTE, DTE, Government of Haryana and are affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) Rohtak.

Posted By: Deepak Yadav    Posted Date: 19 Aug 2011   
Fee for B.Tech courses - Rs 50000 per annum
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