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Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi

Are you searching best engineering college in nearby of Ranchi ? you can obtain detail information about BIT Meshra under this .
College Name: Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi
Address: Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra,
Ranchi, Jharkhand 834 001
City: Ranchi   Colleges in Ranchi
State: Jharkhand   Find Colleges in Jharkhand
Phone Number: 0651-2531817 / 2531676, Fax number: 0651-2531686
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University: Birla Institute of Technology
Other popular names: BIT Lalpur

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Birla Institute of Technology

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About Birla Institute of Technology

It is a deemed university under Section 3 of UGC Act 1986. It functions under the overall supervision, direction & control of high power Govt. comprising of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. The institute has been accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council(NAAC) and National Board of Accreditation (NBA) established by UGC & AICTE. IT WAS THE FIRST TO ESTABLISH THE DEPARTMENT OF SPACE ENGINEERING & ROCKETRY IN 1964. It has become first technical institute to establish overseas & extension centers in 2000. It is one of the few university to be accorded to super computer at its ultramodern IT infrastructure.

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Courses in Birla Institute of Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E. Biotechnology
B.C.A. Computer Application
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
M.C.ARs. 28500/- per sem40
M.Tech. Computer Science28,50016
B.Sc. Electronics
M.Sc Information Technology--
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Reviews of Birla Institute of Technology

Best institute in Ranchi! 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
BIT (Birsa Institute of Technology), Mesra is one of the oldest and best institute in Ranchi affiliated with UGC. It is popularly known as BIT Mesra. Many students apply here for admission but few gets admission who are lucky enough with more marks & test. Admission is based on marks and entry test. There are many students from many cities who come to BIT for further studies, also foreigner student are there who pursue their studies here. It a co-ed where girls and boys both study. My cousin has been a student of BIT Mesra, batch 1999. He is now working with one of the best company in India i.e. Infosys. I have been there too, to meet him. The college building is so big and beautiful, well maintained and with all the facilities inside. When I visited first, I went to canteen straight as I was so hungry. I had a chat there with a cup of tea. The food was so good especially the tea, I love the tea, they canteen boy prepares it very well. Thats the best one. The campus was so large and spacious that you will definitely get tired if you just want to take a walk. The library is also huge with all the books available. Let talk about teachers in BIT, the teachers are very intelligent and talented and the most important thing is that they try to gives their best to the students. They work hard on students, very friendly, very calm and very supportive. There are also few teachers who also visit other colleges like St.Xaviers, Nirmala College, Marwari, Gossners, etc as a visitor teacher on request and give their precious time teaching more students as part time. They are very experienced teacher that most of colleges request and invite them as a visitor teacher for some subjects like physics, chemistry, computer languages, etc. BIT has always also produced and delivered a cream student to various companies. Almost all the students get good campus placement. there are more than 50 companies who comes every year for campus placement..and almost all students get a good placement all over the country.
- By Aira, 04 Aug 2009

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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 30 Mar 2012   
Correct website:

(This is the website belongs to Lalpur branch.)

Correct email:

New phone numbers: 0651-2531817 / 2531676

Fax number: 0651-2531686

Correct pincode: 834 001

Other popular name: BIT Lalpur.

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