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Mulund College of Commerce, Mumbai

Are you looking for information about Mulund College of Commerce located in Sarojini Naidu Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra? Looking for admissions and results related to this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with address, website and contact details.
College Name: Mulund College of Commerce, Mumbai
Address: Sarojini Naidu Road,
City: Mumbai   Colleges in Mumbai
State: Maharashtra   Find Colleges in Maharashtra
Phone Number:
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University: University of Mumbai
Other popular names: MCC

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Mulund College of Commerce

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About Mulund College of Commerce

The college is one of the oldest colleges in Mumbai and is known to teach subjects on commerce and MBA and also LAW

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Courses in Mulund College of Commerce

Course NameFeesSeats
M.Com Commerce
M.Sc Information Technology
Diploma Hospital Management
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Reviews of Mulund College of Commerce

About college and Its Infrastructure 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
"Mulund College of Commerce (MCC)" also known as "Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Associations Mulund College of Commerce" and was established in 1970 and junior college in 1976 by Late Shri Babasaheb pethe, the late Shri Baburao paranjape and others. The College is one of the coverted commerce colleges over all Mumbai and in University Of Mumbai, well known for its Academic excellence, Discipline, Professional adaptation . MCC offers Aided Courses in Junior, Degree College and Unaided courses in Specialised Degree Courses (SFC) (M.Com Management, M.Sc IT), Post Graduation (PG) In DMS. Admissions are Apparent and based on Merit list and Seats available.The Management or the College does not accept any donation or capitation fee for admissions. Eligibility for the three year Degree course ( Bachelor of Commerce) is the candidate must have a passing certificate of Higher Secondary School Certificate (S.Y.J.C). Candidates Seeking Admission in First year Degree from other states and other Universities, Boards must produce ‘Immigration ’, Migration Certificate issued by University or Board from where student is leaving, ‘provisional Eligibility certificate’ issued by University Of Mumbai, Statement of Marks, Passing Certificate of H.S.C (Intermediate Certificate) and S.S.C examinations within two months from the date of Admission otherwise Candidates Admission is Cancelled, Also the Candidates from other Universities will be given admission depending on the Seats Available . Students Seeking admission from other colleges and affiliated to University of Mumbai must Produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) from the Principal and ‘Transfer Certificate’ (T.C) from their Previous College. College site is of 0.89 Acre owned by Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association, College Infrastructure consists of Library, Gymkhana, Canteen, Cultural Forum room,Play Ground, Sphurti Kutta etc.

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