A Review on Sultan-ul-Uloom Junior College     About the collegeSultan-ul-Uloom college established in the year 1994 with strength of 156 students. This college is one of the best junior colleges in A.P. This college is a co-education college with 2 different blocks for boys and girls. Transport facility for girls is very good for this college. It has a very good teaching facility as every lecturer is well experienced of 5-6 years. This college is located at Banjara Hills road No. 3 main road with one main gate attached to the bus stand. This college allows all kinds of sports like Cricket, Football, Basketball and Hockey. Many competitions were held in which this college was scored good and won 2 or 3 times. Even indoor games like Chess, Caroms were won by this College. Sultan-ul-Uloom college is in the list of top 10 colleges in A.P. It scored 99% of pass percentage of students in the academic year 1999-2001. Many students from this college scored 100% in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. Parent-teachers meeting is held twice in the year. The lab facility and other facilities are excellent in this college. Two play grounds are attached to this college and sports period are held once in a week. Even a Masjid is attached to the Sultan-ul-Uloom society to offer prayers in the break time.
1.MPC (Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry)
2.BPC (Biology, Physics & Chemistry)
3.CEC ( Commerce, Economics & Civics)
Transport facility
Kondapur-Banjara Hills: 113H, 47K.
This college has 10-12 bus facilities for girls for different areas like Mehdipatnam, Secunderabad etc. - By Saad, 10 Nov 2010