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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

Are you looking for information on Birla Institute of Technology and Science? At this College page you will get all the details about the sports facilities, infrastructure, academic & other activities of Birla Institute of Technology and Science. You will also know the contact details for admissions in to this college.
College Name: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
Address: Vidya Vihar, Pilani, Rajasthan -333031
City: Pilani   Colleges in Pilani
State: Rajasthan   Find Colleges in Rajasthan
Phone Number: 9101596245073/4
Official Website:
University: Birla Institute of Technology
Other popular names: B.I.T.S. Pilani

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science

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About Birla Institute of Technology and Science

Its an under graduate college which offer degrees int various fields of engineering.

BITS is an well renowned university offering highest standard of education through three levels - the Integrated first degree programmes, higher degree programmes, & the Doctoral programmes. Off campus programs are also covered where students all over India get their Post graduates.

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College Admission Consulting & Guidance is not associated with Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. For admissions to this college, please find the contact details of Birla Institute of Technology and Science above and contact the college directly. has been helping students since 2006 to find the right colleges and courses for them through our education platform. If you are looking for College/University Admissions in various colleges in India, we can guide you to find the best colleges and courses for you.

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Courses in Birla Institute of Technology and Science

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Chemical Engineering30,000/-
M.Sc. Chemistry
B.E Civil Engineering30,000/- per semester
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
MS Software Engineering12000 per semester
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering30,000/- per semester
B.Tech. Industrial Engineering
M.Sc Information TechnologyRs,30000/- per semester40
B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
B.E. Manufacturing Engineering (Hons)
Diploma Nautical Science
B.E Mechanical Engineering30,000/- per semester
B.PharmRs,30000/- per semester40
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Reviews of Birla Institute of Technology and Science

BITS Pilani rocks!!! 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
One of the oldest in india, BITS Pilani has always been innovative in its teaching practices. It follows a system similar to MIT, in USA. There are NO reservations, and thus the quality of students is simply amazing. It is one of the most widely sought after engineering colleges in India. Indias first humanoid (ACYUT) was built here. It has one of the best labs in India. BITS Pilani alumni are in top positions all over the world. Admissions are through BITSAT - an online test. log on to for details.
- By Saksham, 11 Mar 2010

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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Saksham    Posted Date: 11 Mar 2010   
Under university name, in the BITS pilani page, it says - Birla institute of technology, Mesra.

BIT Mesra has absolutely NO relation with BITS pilani. It is incorrect. If at all the university name is to be mentioned, "Bits Pilani" should be written there.

Posted By: Dhiraj Lohiya    Posted Date: 21 Mar 2011   
The college name is "Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani" abbreviated as BITS Pilani and not Bits(Capital letters)Pilani.

Also, it would be great if you could let me know how to add photos of the college.

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