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Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies & Science, Mehsana

This college post gives description about the Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies & Science at . This college is located at A.M.Patel Institute of computer studies, Mehsana-Gandhinagar Highway, Ganpat University,Kherva-384002, Gujarat and provides courses related to Computer and Technology. Check this post to know the address, phone numbers, email addresses, and University details of this college.
College Name: Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies & Science, Mehsana
Address: A.M.Patel Institute of computer studies, Mehsana-Gandhinagar Highway, Ganpat University,
Kherva 384002
City: Mehsana   Colleges in Mehsana
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: 91 - 2762 - 289039, +91 - 9925623463
Official Website:
University: Ganpat University
Other popular names: AMPICS

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Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies & Science

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About Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies & Science

The first college of North Gujarat region offering highly reputed computer application course M.C.A. was established in August 1999. This institute started with the help of the donation of Rs. One Crore from Acharya Motibhai Patel with a view to impart quality computer education and training. In course of time, however, there was a need to educate and train computer professionals to meet the changing manpower requirements of IT industry.

The dynamic era of computer technology created a rising demand for young professionally trained persons to occupy positions in IT industry. The institute, therefore,took up the challenge to meet the call of the time and contribute its mite to the cause of computer education and training. Accordingly, institute offering one year diploma and three year programs degree programs which provides opportunities to youngster to acquire knowledge, skill and essential attitudes for assuming position in computer profession.

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Ph.D. Computer Science Engineering
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