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Ammini College of Engineering, Palakkad

The Ammini College of Engineering is a reputed College affiliated professional college in Palakkad. Get the latest contact information of Ammini College of Engineering from this college page.
College Name: Ammini College of Engineering, Palakkad
Address: Kannampariyaram, Post Mankara, Palakkad, Kerala PIN- 678613
City: Palakkad   Colleges in Palakkad
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0491-2875000, 2875210, 9447320011
Official Website:
University: University of Calicut
Other popular names: Ace Palakkad

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Ammini College of Engineering

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About Ammini College of Engineering

ACE Palakkad has a clear vision and objective, in the quest for being an outstanding centre for learning and development of human resource, which is conducive to the fast changing national and international situations. It shall adhere to consistent policy to recruit highly qualified teachers specializing in various domain of Engineering.

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Courses in Ammini College of Engineering

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Civil Engineering60
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering120
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering60
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering60
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering60
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Reviews of Ammini College of Engineering

Ammini College og Engineering : A students review 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
As a student of this institution, All i have to say is its a good college. Even if it has been started 2 years ago and has only one senior batch above us, the college provides high quality education to us. One of the main quality i find in the college is that the teachers and professors who are teaching us are highly qualified. All teachers are Post Graduates, having or M.Sc, unlike any other engineering college in palakkad district. And as a student what i feel important is the distance b/n teachers and students. it has to be minimum, here my teachers are very open to us, and classes are not that much boring ). One thing that you can find as a negative is that buildings of the campus, as it has been started only an year before, that could not be considered as a negative point. they are building the college, Also there are enough facilities for 1st and 2nd years there. Also the thing that should be underlined is that, it is a ragging free campus.
- By Abhijith, 19 Sep 2011

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Posted By: selvakandasamy v    Posted Date: 31 Jul 2015   
The following details to be update,,

Phone number :0491-2875000, 2875210

Fax number :0491-2875201

Mobile number :9447320011

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