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Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Greater Noida

This college post gives information about the Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Uttar Pradesh. Get to know about information like facilities, courses of college, official website, University of college. Also get a chance to know the campus representative of this college or to become one.
College Name: Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Greater Noida
Address: Khentawas, Farrukh Nagar
Gurgaon - 123506, Haryana
Correct City: Gurgaon
City: Greater Noida   Colleges in Greater Noida
State: Uttar Pradesh   Find Colleges in Uttar Pradesh
Phone Number: 0124 – 2375502, 2375503, 2375504, Fax: 0124 - 2275328
Official Website:
University: Gurugram University
Other popular names: Dronacharya

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Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon

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About Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon

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Courses in Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Civil Engineering
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.Tech. Information Technology
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
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Reviews of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon

Review of Dronacharya College 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
The college has quit large campus and also have good transport facilities. The infrastructure of the college is also a little bit disappointment. The management of the college according to me is only doing pure business and they are not doing anything in overall development of the students. The academic background of the college is not as good as compared to the college present in the same vicinity. Although teachers teaching here are qualified but some teachers lack the master degrees in their field. The college has his dedicated canteen and the snacks available here is quite good. The college has his own Wi-Fi facility but it is not up to the standards. There IS no separate placement cells for the students to guarantee their placements and other summer training programs.
- By Ashu, 17 Sep 2011

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Posted By: Dhruv    Posted Date: 05 Feb 2023   
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon
Correct address:
Khentawas, Farrukh Nagar
Gurgaon - 123506, Haryana
Correct City: Gurgaon

Phone: 0124 – 2375502, 2375503, 2375504
Fax: 0124 - 2275328
Correct university: Gurugram University

The name of the city has to be corrected in the summary. There is a separate post for the Dronacharya Greater Noida campus. Refer The mention of ISC in the summary is to be removed. The courses listed in the description need to be deleted as well.

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