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Minerva Polytechnic College, Berhampur

Minerva Polytechnic College is located at Dist: Murshidabad West Bengal. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here.
College Name: Minerva Polytechnic College, Berhampur
Address: Village and post office: Amritakunda, P.S: Nabagram
Dist: Murshidabad,
Pin: 742 136
City: Berhampur   Colleges in Berhampur
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: 09434051782/ 09734560578, 09432171247
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Other popular names: Minerva

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Minerva Polytechnic College

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About Minerva Polytechnic College

Minerva Polytechnic is a self-financing diploma engineering in Berhampur city in the state of West Bengal.

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Courses in Minerva Polytechnic College

Course NameFeesSeats
Diploma Civil EngineeringFor payments seats: Total 1,30,000/- and For JEXPO 60/ POLY 40 seats: Total 94,000/--
Diploma Electrical Engineering (DEE)
Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication1st yr: RS. 34000/- 2nd yr: RS. 24000/- 3rd yr: RS. 24000/- Total Seat-60 including reservation
Diploma Mechanical Engineering
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Reviews of Minerva Polytechnic College

Review about Minerva Polytechnic 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
There are no separate placement cells for the students to guarantee their placements and other summer training programs. The college lags in infrastructure so there is disappointment for the students who wants to admission in these colleges. The whole is campus is surrounded with lush greenery as part of college green drive. The college is well connected by a major high way, so the problem of private transportation is not there. The college has quit good library and various generals are also available, online generals are also available for the students. Placements is a issue of concern here. College has basic infrastrucutre to run the institute efficiently. But lot of modification in my view has to be done by the college in order to inculcate the latest education among the students. In my view the college lacks somewhere in discipline because the management has no control over the dress code even for the graduation programmes.
- By Askush, 09 Oct 2011

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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 03 Nov 2011   
Correct address:

Village and post office: Amritakunda, P.S: Nabagram
Dist: Murshidabad, Pin: 742 136

Contact: 09434051782/ 09734560578/ 09432171247


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