Campus Representative of
M.A.M B School
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About M.A.M B School
M.A.M B School, is one of the group of other colleges of MAM engineering and arts which is located in Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli is patronized by Maluk Educational, Health and Charitable Trust. In this competitive environment in the engineering education, M.A.M B School proves their commitment to provide quality education to their students
M.A.M B School stands as a monument to witness the vision of Janab. M. Abdul Majedu, the founder Chairman. The scintillating shape to the dream of the Chariman was given by Dr. S. Sathikh, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Madras and the Chairman of the College Governing Council. The great vision of the Chairman is explicitly seen in the Quality Policy, the Vision and Mission of the College.
M.A.M B School is located at a distance of 23km from Tiruchirappalli abutting National Highways 45 leading to Chennai. Having situated on the National Highway it is easily accessible from Airport and Railway Station.
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