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Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore, Bengaluru

Are you searching for a institute to provide Hotel Management education in Bangalore? Check this college post to know more about the Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.
College Name: Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore, Bengaluru
Address: S.J Polytechnic Campus,
Seshadri Road,
Bangalore - 560001
City: Bengaluru   Colleges in Bengaluru
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: 91-80-2226 2690, 91-080-22268562
Official Website:
University: Indira Gandhi National Open University
Other popular names: Ihm Bangalore

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Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore

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About Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore

The Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore was started as a Food Craft Institute in 1969. It started offering 3 year degree course in 1983 and took up the present name in the same year. It is ranked as one among the best Hotel Management institutes in India.

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Courses in Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore

Course NameFeesSeats
Post Graduate Certificate in Data Science (PGCDS)Fee subject to marginal revision as per NCHMNA
Certification Food ProductionFee subject to marginal revision as per NCHMNA
M.Sc. Hospital AdministrationRs. 75,000/- per year20
B.Sc. Hotel ManagementFee subject to marginal revision as per NCHMNA
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Reviews of Institute of Hotel Management Bangalore

Emerging best college 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
First let me tell you that this college is under the university IGNOU, which is itsself a good and reputed university. The college is part of various chains of hotel management colleges which comes under the IGNOU university. One should not think that since university is open so it does not have any value. Starting with management of college, is all right and trying to inculcate those best methods of studies. Training is same as in other colleges and thanks to its innovative management which peep in to industries timely to train there students best. Infrastrucutre is a place where the management have to work little hard, although it is sufficient. Proper classrooms and training aids are availalble in the college. As per some magazine, the college was given good rank in all india management college. But students placed are in good companies and college has good alumuni. Placements are nice, i will not say it is best but yes placemnt is decent. Students who are aspiring for bright in hotel industry can go for this college. So from my side i will give seven out off 10 for this college.
- By Askush, 10 Dec 2011

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