College Name: |
Model Polytechnic College, Kallyassery, Kannur
Address: |
Model Polytechnic College, Model Polytechnic Office, Kalyassery LPS Campus, Kannur – 670 562 |
City: |
Kallyassery, Kannur Colleges in Kallyassery, Kannur |
State: |
Kerala Find Colleges in Kerala |
Phone Number: |
0497-2780287, 2780960, |
Email: |
Official Website: | |
University: |
Cochin University of Science & Technology |
Other popular names: Mpc
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Model Polytechnic College, Kallyassery, Kannur
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About Model Polytechnic College, Kallyassery, Kannur
Model Polytechnic College, Kallyassery, Kannur was established in 1997 under the aegis of IHRD. It offers 3 Year Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance, Medical Electronics, Telecommunication Technology and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications.
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