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Saint Mary's College, Shillong

Passionate about eduction in Shillong? Want to make a career in girl college? Get the details of this course and the job prospects at Saint Mary's College Shillong Meghalaya.
College Name: Saint Mary's College, Shillong
Address: Laitumkhrah, Shillong, Meghalaya -793003
City: Shillong   Colleges in Shillong
State: Meghalaya   Find Colleges in Meghalaya
Phone Number: +91 0364 2224716, +91 0364 2501053
Official Website:
University: North Eastern Hill University
Other popular names: Smcs

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Saint Mary's College

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About Saint Mary's College

Saint Mary's College is one of the oldest and reputed catholic colleges for girls in Shillong. The college was established in the year 1937 by RNDM Sister with a motive to spread education abduction knowledge among women in Shillong. The motto of the college is 'Virtue & Knowledge'.

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Courses in Saint Mary's College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Sc. CBZAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. ChemistryAs per government normsNot available
B.ComAs per government normsNot available
B.C.A. Computer ApplicationAs per government normsNot available
B.A. EconomicsAs per government normsNot available
B.A EducationAs per government normsNot available
B.A. HistoryAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. Home Science (B.H.Sc.)As per government normsNot available
B.A. EnglishAs per government normsn
B.A. MathematicsAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. MathematicsAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. Clinical Nutrition and DieteticsAs per government normsNot available
B.A. PhilosophyAs per government normsNot available
B.A. GeographyAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. PhysicsAs per government normsNot available
B.A. Political ScienceAs per government normsNot available
B.A. SociologyAs per government normsNot available
B.Sc. ZoologyAs per government normsNot available
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