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Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology, Chennai

Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology is present in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 600016. Check this post to know the address details and contact numbers of this college. Also get to know the affiliation details of this college and the courses offered by this college. Ask any related questions about this college in the Forum of this website.
College Name: Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology, Chennai
Address: No.40, G.S.T. Road,
St. Thomas Mount, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 600016.
City: Chennai   Colleges in Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: +91-44-22340980 / 22342030 / 22342040, +91-44-22342170
Official Website:
Other popular names: H.i.e.t.

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Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology

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About Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology

Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology or H.I.E.T. is approved by Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Government of India. This college has got highly modern Avionics lab and Mechanical workshops. This college has got JT8D Jet Engine fitted on Boeing 737. This college has highly qualified faculty and industry experts. This college has got Beechcraft KingAir C-90 and Learjet 24D live aircraft which are available for practical training. This college has got Cessna - 172 / 152 and Piper Seneca aircraft for demonstration. In this college, practical training given at Orient Flights and other leading aircraft MRO's in accordance with ICAD / European Standards. This college provides OJT on Learjet and Dornier 228 passenger aircraft. This college has got hostel facilities for boys. H.I.E.T. also offers merit scholarships to the deserving students. H.I.E.T. also runs a Polytechnic college which is an ISO 9001:2008 certified college. It is approved by All India Council for Technical Education or A.I.T.E.C., New Delhi. It is affiliated to the State Board for Technical Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

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Courses in Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.75
Diploma Civil Engineering50
Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (GDME)75
B.E. Mining Engineering50
M.E. Mining Engineering75
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