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Swaraswati Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jabalpur

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College Name: Swaraswati Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jabalpur
Address: Swaraswati Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Shardapuram Sagda Off Nagpur Road,Jabalpur
City: Jabalpur   Colleges in Jabalpur
State: Madhya Pradesh   Find Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Phone Number: 0761-2672157, 09425387759
Official Website:
University: Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya(Technical University)
Other popular names: Siet Jabalpur

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Swaraswati Institute of Engineering And Technology

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About Swaraswati Institute of Engineering And Technology

The College management will ensure that quality must be maintained at all the levels. The society, therefore, has clear view in this regard to work with a comprehensive plan to meet with the ultimate goal of providing good education atmosphere to the students and develop the concept of one family dedicated for whole development among the management, staff and students

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Courses in Swaraswati Institute of Engineering And Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Civil Engineering
Diploma Civil Engineering60
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. Computer Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering
Diploma Mechanical Engineering60
M.Tech Machine Design18
M.Tech Structural Engineering18
CAD Matrix60
B.E Mechanical Engineering
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