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Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Malappuram

All the details of Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology. Read the article for the History, Courses, Admission, University, Address, Phone number etc of KCAET.
College Name: Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Malappuram
Address: Kelappaji College Of Engineering & Technology, Tavanur, Malappuram,
Pin - 679 573.
City: Malappuram   Colleges in Malappuram
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0494 2686009, 0494 2686214
Official Website:
University: Kerala Agricultural University
Other popular names: KCAET, Kelappaji Agricultural College

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Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology

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About Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology


Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (KCAET) is situated on a hill in Tavanur village of Malappuram district, Kerala. The area of the campus is about 40 hectare. The Rural Institute established in 1963 was taken over by Kerala Agricultural University(KAU) and it was renamed as Institute of Agricultural Technology (IAT). The courses offered by IAT were : Diploma in Agrl. Science (DASC), Diploma in Agrl. & Rural Engineering (DARE) and Agrl. Mechanic Course (AMC). Eventually, B.Tech & M.Tech courses in Agricultural engineering were introduced and the IAT was renamed after the great freedom fighter K.Kelappan. Now, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (KCEAT) is under the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of Kerala Agricultural University. The college and the courses are accredited by ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research). The Kerala Agricultural University has attained a remarkable place in agricultural education in the country.

Departments of Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology

Land & Water Resources & Conservation Engineering
Irrigation & Drainage Engineering
Post Harvest Technology & Agricultural Processing
Farm Power, Machinery & Energy


The courses offered in Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (KCAET) are :
B.Tech Agricultural Engineering
M.Tech Agricultural Engineering

Admission to Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology

Admission to the B.Tech course is based on the Common Entrance Exam conducted by the Government of Kerala. M.Tech admission is through the Entrance test conducted by the University. 15% seats of the B.Tech course & 25% seats of the M.Tech course are filled from the rank list of All India Entrance conducted by ICAR. A few seats are reserved for students from Lakshadweep also.


Organisations like NSS, NCC, Placement Cell etc are actively working in Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology. The students of this college are encouraged to participate in various sports & games competitions. Kerala Agricultural University has won the Academic Excellence Award by ICAR from 2006 to 2011. This shows the quality of education provided by KAU. A Dairy unit & a Veterinary hospital with facility for artificial insemination are part of Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology.


Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology is located in Tavanur village of Malappuram district. The nearest railway station is Kuttippuram which is 8 Kms from the campus. The distance to Ponnani is 12 Kms.

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Courses in Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Agricultural EngineeringContact College OffcieContact College Office
M.Tech. Agricultural Eng Farm Machinery&Power Engg
M.Tech Agricultural Engineering (Irrigation & Drainage En
M.Tech Agricultural Engineering (Soil Water Conservation
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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 03 Apr 2012   
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