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Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd, Mumbai

One of the most sought after Infotech Ltd colleges in Mumbai. Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd offers graduates and post graduate learning courses. Find the details of Courses, Admission, Fees, Address of Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd.
College Name: Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd, Mumbai
Address: 3rd Floor, Charishma Centre, 19th Road, Above Cambridge Showroom, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400071
City: Mumbai   Colleges in Mumbai
State: Maharashtra   Find Colleges in Maharashtra
Phone Number: 022 25272373
Official Website:
University: Karnataka State Open University

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Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd

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About Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd

College is affiliated to the following universities:
1. Karnataka state open university
2. Shree Venkateshwara University
3. Prist University
4. Vinayaka Missions University
5. Yashwantrao Chawan Maharashtra Open University

About organization

Softkey is basically a Education Society started in year 1997.It is dedicated to prepare professional in the field of Engineering and management.
It offers distance learning with the support of PRIST University in organizing/conducting various Educational & Research Programs related to Management and Engineering.

Course offered

It is offering 3 tier course. From 3 tier, I mean graduation level, post graduation level and research level.
They also have engineering course with various specialization available.


They have detailed admission procedure, which can be checked on "".
Students are suggested to check the eligibility criteria properly. They have asked for some certificates and some attested documents.

- Padmini

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Courses in Softkey Education & Infotech Ltd

Course NameFeesSeats
B Tech Aerospace
B.E. Aeronautical Engineering
Dip. Aeronautical Engineering
B.Tech Architecture
B.Tech. Automobile Engineering
M Tech Automobile
B.Sc. Biochemistry
M.Phil. Biochemistry
M.Sc. Biochemistry
M.Sc. Botany
B.Sc. Biotechnology
B.Sc. Microbiology
M.Phil. Biotechnology
M.Phil. Botany
M.Sc. Bio Informatics
M.Sc. Biotechnology
M.Sc. Microbiology
B.Tech Chemical Engineering
BE Chemical
Diploma Chemical Engineering
M.Phil Chemistry
M.Tech Chemical engineering
M.Sc. Chemistry
B.Tech Civil Engineering
Diploma Civil Engineering
M.Tech Civil Engineering
M.B.A International Business
M.Com (Hons.)
M.Phil Commerce
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering
B.C.A. Computer Application
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
Diploma Computer Science and Technology
M.Phil. Computer Science
M.Tech. Computer Science
B.A. Economics
M.A. Business Economics
M.A. Economics
M.Phil. Economics
M.A Education
M.Phil. Education
B.E. Electrical Engineering
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Diploma Electrical Engineering (DEE)
M.Tech Electrical Engineering
M.Tech. Power Electronics
M.Phil. Electronics
M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Phil. Environmental Science
M.Phil. Geography
M.A. Fine Arts
B.Sc. General
Diploma Mechanical Engineering
M.B.A. Telecom Management
M.Phil in Engineering
M.Phil Library and Information Science
M.Phil Microbiology
M.Phil Physical Education
M.Tech Automotive Engineering
M.Tech Structural Engineering
M.Sc. Hospital Administration
B.A. History
M.A, History
M.Phil. Home Science
B.Tech. Industrial Engineering
ME Industrial Engineering
B.Sc Information Technology
M.Sc Information Technology
Certificate course in Advanced Jewellery Design
Certificate Course in Basic Jewellery Design
M.A Mass Communication and Journalism
B.A. English
B.A. Hindi
B.A. Tamil
M.A. English
M.A. Hindi
M.A. Sanskrit
M.A. Tamil
M.Phil. French
M.Phil. Hindi
M.Phil. Sanskrit
M.Phil. Tamil Studies
Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Tech.
M.B.A Banking & Insurance
M.B.A Investment Management
M.B.A Material Management
M.B.A Operations Management
M.B.A Retail Management
M.B.A. Information Technology
M.Phil. Management
M.Phil. Public Administration
B.Tech. Marine Engineering
B.A. Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. Statistics
M.A. Mathematics
M.Phil. Mathematics
M.Phil. Statistics
M.Sc. Statistics
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech. Mining Engineering
M.E. Mining Engineering
M.A. Music
M.Phil. Music
M.Tech. Petroleum Engineering
M.Phil. English
B.A. Psychology
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
M.A. Philosophy
M.A. Psychology
M.Phil. Psychology
M.Sc. Applied Psychology
Master of Social Work (M.S.W)
B.Sc. Physics
M.Phil. Photonics
M.Phil. Physics
B.A. Public Administration
Executive M.B.A.
M.A. Political Science
M.A. Public Administration
M.B.A Financial Management
M.B.A. Human Resource Management
M.B.A. Marketing Management
M.B.A. Rural Management
M.Phil. Political Science
M.B.A. Production management
B.A. Sociology
M.A. Sociology
M.Phil. Sociology
M.Tech. Transportation Systems Engineering
B.Sc. Zoology
M.Phil. Zoology
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