Campus Representative of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Jalgaon Branch
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Jalgaon Branch
Jalgaon Branch of ICAI was established in 1987 and came under the Western India Regional Council (WIRC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and known for its high quality of academic results and student related facilities like CA course classes, Exam form submission, Career counseling, Course counseling, in house library and sale of ICAI publications.
Jalgaon Branch of ICAI consistently organizes professional seminars, conferences, workshops and events for members and students. Some of such seminars, workshops and events include Study circle meetings, General Management and Communication Skills Course (GMCS), information technology training, Campus placement programme and orientation programs. This branch is also known for its efforts towards organizing organize sporting and cultural activities providing ample chance to its members to interact and get to know other members. The branch is also publishing its monthly newsletter with latest updates and information of events.
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