College Name: |
Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society, Chhatrapati Shahu Poytechnic, A/p Atit, District Satara
Address: |
Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society, Chhatrapati Shahu Poytechnic, A/P Atit, District Satara Gat No. 471, A/P-Atit, District-Satara |
City: |
Satara Colleges in Satara |
State: |
Maharashtra Find Colleges in Maharashtra |
Phone Number: |
(02162)300402, Fax-(02162)300401 |
Email: |
Official Website: | |
University: |
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai |
Other popular names: Chhatrapati Shahu Poytechnic, Atit
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Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society, Chhatrapati Shahu Poytechnic, A/p Atit, District Satara
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About Chhatrapati Shahu Education Society, Chhatrapati Shahu Poytechnic, A/p Atit, District Satara
Established in the year 2010. With basic goal of providing technical education to rural students. Nearest railway station is satara(20 KM) and nearest bus stand is satara(20 KM). Hostel intake capacity for boys and girls is 50.
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