About Bhai Maha Singh College of Engineering
Bhai Maha Singh College of Engineering, Muktsar has been established by Adesh Foundation, Muktsar from academic session starting July, 2002 for advancing the cause of Technical Education in Punjab. It is a self financed and privately managed College. It is located at 2 km stone on Muktsar-Kotkapura road, on a lush green campus of 10.3 acres of land. The college has a magnificent building with well equipped lecture halls, drawing halls, tutorial rooms, conference hall, administrative block, staff rooms along with very well equipped laboratories with sufficient apparatus and equipment. Physics, Chemistry, Computer Programming, Basic Electrical Engineering laboratories and Mechanical Engineering workshop are already developed. In addition, the college has well equipped Computer center and laboratories with P-IV computers along with leased line Internet connection of 64 kbps.
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