Campus Representative of
Vivekananda Institute For Leadership Development
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Vivekananda Institute For Leadership Development
Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Development, well known as V-LEAD is addressed at CA-2, KIADB Industrial Housing Area, Hebbal, Ring Road, Mysore, Karnataka state. Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Development was established in 2002 and focuses on capacity building. The GOAL of the V-LEAD is: "Building Leaders for Resurgent India and the potential of Institutions for the Development Sector".
Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Development is located at a well equipped campus at Hebbal in Mysore where facilities like a Library, 24 hour Internet facility and training halls are linked to the institute. Vivekananda Institute for Leadership Development also offers a hostel and canteen facility at Supraja Campus, which is located in close proximity.
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