Campus Representative of
Wisdom School of Management
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Wisdom School of Management
Wisdom School of Management is a Self-Financial, Co-Educational Institution located in Gomangalampudur, A small village near to Pollachi. Counseling code of the Wisdom school of Management is 469. Wisdom school of Management was established in the Year 2010 and managed by Vasanthi Education trust, Udumalpet. The College is affiliated to Coimbatore - Bharathiar University and it is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. This College is one of the important management schools in Coimbatore District.
Infrastructure Wisdom school of Management is equipped will well furnished classrooms along with air-conditioning facilities. The classrooms are equipped with Audio-Video instruments which are necessary for conducting presentation which are helpful for professors and lecturers to interact with the students. The college is located in a spacious location to accommodate all the students.
Library - Contains all important books necessary for various courses offered by the college.
Computer center - Computer center is equipped with good number of computers which are used to teach basic computer technology to students.
English Laboratory - As it is a management college, the college has English laboratory which helpful for students to train in English language.
Hostel facilities - Hostel facilities are provided separately for both Boys and Girls. The hostel rooms are fully furnished with good ventilation and provided with attached toilets. Rooms in the hostel are twin-shared basis. Separate indoor play area and Gym facilities are available for hostel students. WiFi and Television facilities are provided for hostel students.
Courses offered in Wisdom School of Business 2 year full time M.B.A degree is provided in following areas.
- Logistics
- Health Care
- Marketing
- Finance
- HR
- Systems
- Production
How to reach Wisdom school of Business, Pollachi Wisdom school of Business is located in Pollachi-Udumalpet NH-209 Highway which is easily accessible by the students. All the buses from Pollachi to Udumalpet will stop in this college. Transport facility is provided for the students and staffs of Wisdom school of Business from nearby towns and villages to the college in both morning and evening time.
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