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The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya, Baghpat

Are you looking for information about The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya, located in Baghbat? To know about the address, telephone number, facilities, co-curricular activities, courses offered, eligibility, fee structure and other details of the college, go through the page.
College Name: The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya, Baghpat
Address: Near Village Shahpur Barauli, Delhi-Sharanpur Road, Baraut Dist. Baghpat (UP) - 250611
City: Baghpat   Colleges in Baghpat
State: Uttar Pradesh   Find Colleges in Uttar Pradesh
Phone Number: 01234-263956, +91-9458091829
Official Website:
University: Chaudhary Charan Singh University (Meerut University)

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The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya

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About The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya

The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya, a Jain minority college was established in the year 2004. It is a teacher education college. The college is affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University. The college is recognized by National Council of Teacher Education.


The college has three-storeyed well-developed building. The classrooms are well-developed. The science lab, computer lab, information and communication technology lab, psychology lab, etc are well-equipped and maintained. The college also has an Art & Craft Resource Centre, where students get opportunity to enhance their creative skills and explore their talents. The college library has almost 9000 books as per the NCTE norms. The library also provides book bank facility to the students. The college also provides facilities for indoor games such as table tennis, carom etc. and outdoor games.

House system and activities

There are four houses in the college: Vivakenand House, Tagore House, Mahatma Gandhi House & Radha Krishna House. The students are enrolled in one of the houses. Various inter-house competitions are held based on different co-curricular activities such as Art&Craft competition, rangoli, mehndi, slogan, drawing, music, debate and competitions.


The admission in the various courses is based on the entrance exam conducted by the state government or the University, whichever is applicable.

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Courses in The Babu Kamta Prasad Jain Mahavidyalya

Course NameFeesSeats
B.EdRs. 51520100
M.Ed Education
T.T.C Basic Teacher Training Certificate Course
M.Phil in Engineering
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