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Aryans Group of Colleges, Chandigarh

Looking for a reputed engineering college in Chandigarh? This college page provides complete information on the Aryans Group of Colleges located in Chandigarh, Punjab. Details of the courses, infrastructure as well as contact information are given here for your quick reference.
College Name: Aryans Group of Colleges, Chandigarh
Address: Chandigarh-Patiala Highway,
between Rajpura and Banur,
Village Nepra,
Punjab - 140401,
City: Chandigarh   Colleges in Chandigarh
State: Chandigarh   Find Colleges in Chandigarh
Phone Number: 98762-99888, 98765-99888
Official Website:
University: Punjab Technical University
Other popular names: Aryans Group of Colleges

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Aryans Group of Colleges

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About Aryans Group of Colleges

Aryans Group of Colleges is located in Chandigarh, Punjab and was started in the year 2007. The college offers four-year full-time B.Tech program under 6 branches which are AICTE, New Delhi approved.

Branches Offered in B.Tech and Number of Seats

Civil Engineering- 180
Computer Science Engineering
Electrical Engineering- 120
Electronics & Communication Engineering- 60
Mechanical Engineering- 180
Electrical & Electronic Engineering- 60

Eligibility criteria

Candidates aspiring for admissions should be HSC passed from a recognized board with subjects like physics, chemistry and Maths/Biology.

Application procedure

The application process for admissions to B.Tech program can be followed online by filling the application forms along with the payment of the fee. It is important for the aspiring candidates to fill in the form as a part of registration for the admission

Selection process

Admissions to all branches will be done on the basis of their scores in HSC and other 10+2 qualifying degrees.

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College Admission Consulting & Guidance is not associated with Aryans Group of Colleges, Chandigarh. For admissions to this college, please find the contact details of Aryans Group of Colleges above and contact the college directly. has been helping students since 2006 to find the right colleges and courses for them through our education platform. If you are looking for College/University Admissions in various colleges in India, we can guide you to find the best colleges and courses for you.

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Courses in Aryans Group of Colleges

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Sc. Farm Science & Rural DevelopmentAs per government normsNot available
Diploma Agriculture TechnologyAs per government normsNot available
B.Tech Civil Engineering
Diploma Civil EngineeringAs per government normsNot available
B.ComAs per government normsNot available
B.A.As per government normsNot available
B.C.A. Computer ApplicationAs per government normsNot available
B.Tech. Computer Science and EngineeringAs per government normsNot available
Diploma Computer Science and TechnologyAs per government normsNot available
B.EdAs per government normsNot available
M.Ed EducationAs per government normsNot available
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAs per government normsNot available
B.Tech Electrical EngineeringAs per government normsNot available
Diploma Electrical Engineering (DEE)As per government normsNot available
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication EngineeringAs per government norms300
B.A. L.L.BAs per government normsNot available
LLB GeneralAs per government normsNot available
PG Diploma Management (International Business)As per government normsNot available
DMMAs per government normsNot available
B.Tech Mechanical EngineeringAs per government normsNot available
Bachelor - GNMAs per government normsNot available
Diploma General Nursing and Midwifery (G.N.M)As per government normsNot available
B.PharmAs per government normsNot available
Diploma PharmacyAs per government normsNot available
B.B.A. Business AdministrationAs per government normsNot available
M.B.A. Business AdministrationAs per government normsNot available
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