Campus Representative of
Shri Kishor Goswami Mahavidhyalay
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Shri Kishor Goswami Mahavidhyalay
The College is situated in lush green and quit area of kulpahar road, Mahoba. The aim of the college is to provide holistic system of education, based on Indian culture. The soceity is registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. The college is affiliated to the university of Bundelkhand. We think that every STUDENT is an untapped storehouse of talent, skill and capabilities. SKGM endeavor to provide a conductive environment which helps to provide the potential of children, their talent, their imaginations and their roads to creativity as well as to explore and discover the unlimited path of knowledge and technology. This College follows curriculum and ensures that apart from excelling in academics, every Student should grow in fearless environment. The college is also study center of distance education center.
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