Campus Representative of
Sri Krishna Polytechnic
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Sri Krishna Polytechnic
Sri Krishna Polytechnic at Chikkabanavara in Bangalore is run by Sri Raghavendra Educational Institutions.
The All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi approved and Directorate of Technical Education affiliated college started functioning from 2005-06 academic year.
The college offers 3 years full time Diploma Courses in Computer Science, Civil, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics and Mechanical Engineering respectively.
The college constructed in a huge plot which helped to provide big classrooms, laboratory facilities for all branches of engineering, library with huge stock of reference books, periodicals, journals and other newsletters.
For the sake of its students and staff the college have its canteen facilities wherein hygienic food is delivered at the prescribed timings.
The college has its own fleet of buses engaged by experienced drivers to carry students and staff with utmost care and safety.
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