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Arrdekta Institute of Technology, Sabarkantha

Are you looking any good college for Bachelor Degree and Master Degree courses located in Sabarkantha, Gujrat? Check this post to know detailed information about this college related to courses offered by the college, how to reach, phone numbers, email id and read reviews of the college.
College Name: Arrdekta Institute of Technology, Sabarkantha
Address: C/O Ekta Institute, At Radhiwad Road, P.O. Navi Metral, 383255
City: Sabarkantha   Colleges in Sabarkantha
State: Gujarat   Find Colleges in Gujarat
Phone Number: 02775-291580
Official Website:
University: Gujarat Technological University
Other popular names: Arrdekta

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Arrdekta Institute of Technology

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About Arrdekta Institute of Technology

Arrdekta Institute of Technology is a private engineering institute located in Sabarkantha, Gujrat. It was established in the year 2011. Arrdekta institute is affiliated to Gujrat Technological University and approved by All India council for Technical Education(AICTE), New Delhi. It offers UG engineering programmes such as computer science & engineering, electronics & communication engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Ekta trust plays important role in establishing and running this institute in correct manner. The mission of the trust is to concentrate on composing slot in basic to technical education and prepare the future leaders to supply the coming up request for higher capacity in the globe of united world with developing the indian culture. Seperate hostel facility is available for both boys and girls inside campus of that institute. Another infrastructure facility is well equipped library, experienced faculty members, laboratory, educomp classrooms,.. etc. Institute provides placement according to industry rule.

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