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Jagat Narain Lal College, Khagaul, Patna

If you are searching for latest contact number, email id and official website of J.N.L College, Khagaul Patna then you are at the right place. This page contains all the details of J N L college, Khagaul.
College Name: Jagat Narain Lal College, Khagaul, Patna
Address: J.N.L College, Khagaul, Patna
City: Patna   Colleges in Patna
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: 0615- 230897
Official Website:
University: Magadh University
Other popular names: J N L College

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Jagat Narain Lal College, Khagaul

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About Jagat Narain Lal College, Khagaul

The 1960 established Jagat Narain Lal college, located at Khagaul, Patna is affiliated with Magadh University, Bodh Gaya and recognized and approved by Government of Bihar.
Located in sub urban area, the main motto of this college is to provide quality education to the students who are from the backward and privileged section of the society.
The college campus is on land area of five acres with lush green surrounding. The college has separate building for Science, Arts and administrative block. It includes ten general classrooms, five laboratories and five tutorial classrooms. There is also a library having more than 10,000 books. In the college campus there is a large playground for playing games like cricket and football. There are no courts for playing games like badminton, tennis, volleyball etc.
The college mainly offers under graduate courses in the faculties of science, arts and commerce.
With the assistance of U.G.C, the college has also introduced add-on course in Advance Diploma in Computer Applications. This course has gained a lot of popularity among poor students as it gives them an opportunity to enhance their skill and guarantee them a secure future.
The college is trying further to include post graduate courses in their syllabus.
For more information about J N L college, Khagaul, you can visit their official website or you may contact them through phone or mail them at their email id.

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