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K C Group of Institutions, Nawanshahr

Are you searching for information about KC Education College situated in Kariam Road, Nawanshahr Punjab (India) 144514? If so, you have come to the right page to get complete information about this college. Check this college post page on indiastudychannel to know about their address, telephone number and website details.
College Name: K C Group of Institutions, Nawanshahr
Address: KC Group of Institutions,
Kariam Road
Punjab (India) 144514

FAX: 01823-229078
City: Nawanshahr   Colleges in Nawanshahr
State: Punjab   Find Colleges in Punjab
Phone Number: 01823-503836 , 9464946455
Official Website:
University: Punjab Technical University

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K C Group of Institutions

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About K C Group of Institutions

This institute provides courses in management and computer applications, education ,engineering, hotel management and polytechnic courses. It has good faculty and provides placement in eminent companies.

It is comprised of various different institute
1)Management and Computer Applications-
For BCA course the eligibility is senior secondary with Information Technology or Mathematics
The eligibility for BBA, B.Sc. MEFT and B.Sc. A&MT is 50 percentage in senior
2)Hotel Management –The university does not conduct any examination for this course. The seats are offered on merit basis. Candidates of any stream can apply for this course.
3)Polytechnic College-The admission to this course is based on the performance in JET(Joint entrance test) exam conducted by the university. Any person who wants to secure admission should have passed 10th with Mathematics, English, Science. Candidates having ITI can also join as laterals.
4)Education –It offers B.Ed. courses. The students are admitted who have passes Entrance test conducted by Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar or any other University, on behalf of the Punjab Govt.
5)Engineering-The students have passed senior secondary examinations and have mathematics as their subject in the qualifying exam are eligible to apply. Candidates can also take admission in 2nd year of B.Tech as laterals(this is only applicable to candidates who have done Polytechnic in required field)

Principal KCCEIT Prof. Col. Amarjit Singh (Retd.)
Director Dr. Atul Kumar
Principal KCSMCA/ Dean (Academics) Dr. Shelly Rekhi

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Courses in K C Group of Institutions

Course NameFeesSeats
M.Tech Civil Engineering
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering
M.Tech. Computer Science
M.Tech Electrical Engineering
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering
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Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 12 Jun 2012   
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