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Kushwaha Somari Triloki College, Salempur, Nalanda

Are you looking for the latest phone number and email id of Kushwaha Somari Triloki Collge, Salempur? Here, we have all the information of K.S.T college, Salempur, Nalanda. Check out this post to explore the details.
College Name: Kushwaha Somari Triloki College, Salempur, Nalanda
Address: Salempur, Soh Sarai, Biharsarif, Nalanda, Bihar
City: Nalanda   Colleges in Nalanda
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: 06112-290288, 09199705911
Official Website:
University: Magadh University
Other popular names: K.s.t College, Salempur

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Kushwaha Somari Triloki College, Salempur

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About Kushwaha Somari Triloki College, Salempur

Kushwaha Somari Triloki college, popularly known as KST college is located at Salempur in the Nalanda district of Bihar. The college is affiliated with Magadh University, Bodh Gaya and recognized and approved by Government of Bihar.
KST has some good infrastructure with a sprawling campus with all the requisite facilities to make the learning process easy and fun.
The classrooms are spacious and well ventilated. The modern laboratories ensure the easy learning through practical. There are separate laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology with all the necessary equipment though not very modern yet useful enough to cover the syllabus.
The digitized library has a huge stock of reference books, text books along with good number of e-books.
However, there is no canteen in the college campus. Other facilities include big playground for playing games and sports like cricket, football, parking zone etc.
The college organizes many events and workshops to enhance students interaction and boost their communication skill and inculcate the leadership skill.
The college also provides placement assistance to students enrolled in Vocational and Ad-On courses.
The college offers under graduate courses in numerous disciplines of Arts, Science and Commerce. The college is also running two vocational training courses B.C.A (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and B.B.M (Bachelor of Business Management) along with 1-year Diploma course in Computer Applications.
If you wish to get yourself enrolled in this college then you must contact the college administration to get more details about fee structure and admission procedure. You can call them or mail them at their email id provide above. You may also visit their website to get an overview of the college and its facilities.

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