Campus Representative of
Vidyadaan Institute of Technology And Management
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Vidyadaan Institute of Technology And Management
Vidyadaan Institute of Technology and Management is located in the Buxar district of Bihar. The college is affiliated with Aryabhatta Knowledge University and approved by Government of Bihar. The college is also duly recognized by AICTE. The college has been blessed with a sprawling campus and good infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious and airy with all the requisite facilities. There is a big library in the college campus having a huge collection of books on different subjects. The library is also subscribed to many journals and magazines. There is a big playground and a gymnasium for the fitness enthusiasts. There is an indoor stadium for playing games like badminton, tennis, volleyball etc. The college has started many new initiatives to provide students an opportunity to explore their future scope in different fields. There is a cafeteria in the Wi-Fi enabled campus that serves pure and hygienic meals and snacks at subsidized rates. The college offers four year B.Tech degree course in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics and Communications Engineering. V.I.T.M imparts high quality education to students through its dedicated and professional team of teaching staffs. They are always ready to help students and encourage them to fare well in different spheres of life. The college also offers placement support to students. If you wish to take admission in V.I.T.M, Buxar then you should call the college administration or mail them to know more about the facilities, fee structure and admission procedure. You may also visit their official website which has been provided above.
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