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Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea

It seems you are looking for the latest contact number of the prestigious Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea. This page contains all the details of VVIT, Purnea along with latest contact number, email id, courses offered and other facilities.
College Name: Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea
Address: BIADA Industrial Growth Centre, Maranga, NH51, Purnea, Bihar
City: Purnea   Colleges in Purnea
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: 7781005263, 9204068928
Official Website:
University: Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Other popular names: V.V.I.T Purnea

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Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea

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About Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, Purnea

Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology, one of the premier institutes of Bihar, located in the Purnea district is affiliated with Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna. The college is ISO certified and approved and recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
The college has world class infrastructure along with world class education facility. The college has AC classrooms with many other facilities which make the learning process easy and fun.
There is library with huge stock of books on different topics and subjects to help students with reference work and gain deep knowledge in their topic of interest. The library is fully digitized and has large collection of e-books and CD's and DVD's.
VVIT has separate laboratories for different faculty but one thing is common in them and that is all of them are upgraded and marks up to the standard parameter.
There is auditorium, conference hall and parking zone for vehicles in the college campus. There is a playground with separate courts for playing games like badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis etc. and a gymnasium for fitness enthusiasts.
VVIT, Purnea offers technical degree programs in the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Environmental Science and Humanities & Management. The college also provides placement facilities to students and has tie up with many leading companies and industries. The dedicated batch of teaching staff having years of experience is very helpful and supportive.
If you want to get yourself enrolled in this premier institute then you should call the college administration and they will clear your every doubt regarding admission procedure and fee structure. You can also visit their official website to know more about the college and facilities offered.

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