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Anup Lal Yadav College, Supaul

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College Name: Anup Lal Yadav College, Supaul
Address: Triveniganj, Supaul, Bihar
City: Supaul   Colleges in Supaul
State: Bihar   Find Colleges in Bihar
Phone Number: 06477-220940, 9939257785
Official Website: Not available
University: Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University
Other popular names: ALY, Supaul

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Anup Lal Yadav College, Supaul

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About Anup Lal Yadav College, Supaul

Anup Lal Yadav college, established in 1984 is located near Triveniganj in Supaul district of Bihar. The college is affiliated with Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, Madhepura and approved and recognized by Government of Bihar.
The college is located in a beautiful campus and has state of the art buildings for different departments. The classrooms are spacious, airy and equipped with audio visual facilities.
The college library is stocked with large number of books, reference books, literature, journals and magazines. The library is updated on regular intervals with latest publications and editions.
There are separate laboratories for many subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Home Science etc. with latest tools and apparatus to make learning easy and fun through practical.
There is a big playground in the college campus where students play many games and sports. The college also organizes many sports events and athlete meets to encourage students to take active participation in games and sports.
There is proper arrangement of potable water and parking zone. However, there is no canteen in the campus which causes little inconvenience to students.
ALY focuses on providing best of facilities and education to students belonging from poor and privileged section of society living in rural and remote areas. The college offers Intermediate and Bachelor degree courses in the numerous disciplines of Arts, Science and Commerce.
If you are interested in getting yourself enrolled in this college then you can contact the college office or mail them to know more about the admission process and fee structure. All the contact details have been provided above.

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