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Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya

It seems you are looking for the course details of Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya, Buniadpur. You have landed at the right place because here you will get every single detail of the college including courses and facilities offered as well as latest contact details.
College Name: Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
Address: Village - Buniadpur , P.O. - Buniadpur,
P.S. - Banshihari, Block - Buniadpur,
Dist. - Dakshin Dinajpur,
Pin Code - 733-121
City: Buniadpur   Colleges in Buniadpur
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: 03524259053, 8348656855
Official Website:
University: University of Gour Banga

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Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya

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About Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya

Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya located in the sub urban area of Dakshin Dinajpur district of West Bengal was established in 2007. The college is affiliated with University of Gour Banga, Malda and approved by the Government of West Bengal.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The college is located in a sprawling green campus and has good infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious and airy and loaded with all the requisite facilities and resources.
The college library is stocked with large number of text books, reference books, dictionaries, reports, journals and magazines. There is also a reading room beside the library where students can read books from the library in their free time. The students can also borrow books from the library as per the rule.
The college has a computer lab and laboratories where students carry out the practical under the guidance of able and qualified teachers.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are the part of the syllabus and college lays equal emphasis on conducting co-curricular activities to develop and inculcate moral and social service values among students.
There is a big playground inside the campus where students can play a number of games. The college provides all the required resources to the students and also participates in several games and sports events organized by the university. Besides games and sports, seminars, workshops, personality development programs and many other programs of social awareness and social service are organized by the different societies and clubs in the college.


Buniadpur College mainly offers graduate degree honors and general courses in the numerous departments of Arts. Large numbers of students are pursuing bachelor degree courses under the guidance of highly qualified and experienced teachers. The teaching faculty at Bunaidpur College is specialized in Arts stream and most of the teachers are experts in their subjects. They stress on using new and innovative methods of teaching and because to their sincere efforts, students' performance is improving year after year.

If you want to get yourself at this college, then you should first call the college administration to know more about the admission procedure and fee structure. You can mail them or visit their official website to get an overview of the college.

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