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Indian Institute of Social Welfare And Business Management, Kolkata

Want to find info of IISWBM? This page tells about various details of Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata like its address, contact numbers, infrastructures, facilities, academic courses etc.
College Name: Indian Institute of Social Welfare And Business Management, Kolkata
Address: College Square West,
Kolkata - 700 073
City: Kolkata   Colleges in Kolkata
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: (033) 2241 3756 / 5792 / 8694 / 8695, (033) 4023 7474
Email: /    
Official Website:
University: University of Calcutta
Other popular names: Iiswbm

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Indian Institute of Social Welfare And Business Management

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About Indian Institute of Social Welfare And Business Management

Jointly decided by the University of Calcutta, the West Bengal Government, the Indian Government and the heads of industry to build the first autonomous graduate business school in India, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata was set up on 25th April 1953 by Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, the then Chief Minister of West Bengal and Prof. D.K. Sanyal as its Founder cum President and the first Director of the Institute respectively.

Courses offered

  1. Degree courses
    • 2 years M. Phil. in Management (University of Calcutta)
    • 2 years MBA - Day (University of Calcutta & approved by AICTE)
    • 2 years MBA - Evening (University of Calcutta & approved by AICTE)
    • 2 years MBA - Public System (University of Calcutta & approved by AICTE)
    • 2 years MHRM (University of Calcutta & approved by AICTE)
    • 2 years MSW (University of Calcutta)
    • 2 years Master in Retail Management (University of Calcutta)
  2. Post Graduate Diploma Courses
    • Sports Management
    • Media Management
    • Fire Safety Management
    • Supply Chain & Logistics Management
    • Executive PG Programme in Management (EPGPM)
  3. Short courses
    • Certified Financial Market Association
    • Energy Management & Audit
  4. Research courses
    • Ph.D
    • CRIMM
  5. Other courses
    • MDP & EDP

Infrastructure & facilities

To fulfill the academic and research needs of all candidates involved to the institute including students, research scholars, teachers etc. the institute provides a super quality library under the CCTV surveillance having lots of books of every discipline as well as e-journal and e-books.

IISWBM also provides the separate hostel for both boys and girls well equipped with LCD TV, microwave ovens, refrigerator, water coolers, water purifiers, ironing table, irons for the daily needs of the students.

In addition to the above, canteen, gym etc. are also available for the students.

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