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North Malda Teachers' Education College

Are you looking for the latest contact number of North Malda Teachers' Education College? You are at the right place because once you will go through this page, all your queries regarding this college will be over because this post contains all the necessary information along with latest contact number, email id and official website address.
College Name: North Malda Teachers' Education College
Address: Vill- Taltala ,P.O&P.S-Gazole ,Dist. - Malda, West Bengal
City: Malda   Colleges in Malda
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: 03512204567, 9134728005
Official Website:
University: University of Gour Banga

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North Malda Teachers' Education College

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About North Malda Teachers' Education College

North Malda Teachers' Education College located in the Malda district of West Bengal was established in 2008 under the trust of North Malda Education & Welfare Trust. The college is affiliated with Gour Banga University, Malda and approved by the West Bengal Government.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The college is located in a green campus far away from the hustle and noise of the town and has very good infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious and airy loaded with all the necessary resources and facilities.
The college library is stocked with large number of text books, reference books, dictionaries, reports, journals and magazines. The students are free to borrow and use the books from library unless they comply with the rule.
There is a computer lab and medical room with first aid kit. There is a common room for girls and a conference room cum auditorium where different events and programs are organized.

Hostel Facility

The college provides hostel facilities to both boys and girls and there are separate hostels for both with proper living conditions and security and round the clock water and electricity supply. The students are provided all the facilities and mouthwatering hygienic and pure dishes in meals.

Co-Curricular Activities

The college lays equal emphasis on games and sports and extracurricular activities are part of the syllabus. The colleges provides all the help and support to students who are good at sports and also award them with scholarships. Besides these, the college provides opportunity to students to teach in various high schools across the city to get a real life experience of teaching. To develop the communication skills and groom the personality, the college organizes many workshops, seminars and special classes.


North Malda Teachers' Education College offers B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) and D.El.Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education) degree programs to students. Over the years, the college has produced many teachers who are spreading the light of education in the society and are working in some of the prestigious educational institutions across the state and the country.

If you are eager to get yourself enrolled at this college then you must call the college office at the number provided above to get more details on admission on admission procedure and fee structure.

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