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Pakuahat Teachers Education College, Malda

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College Name: Pakuahat Teachers Education College, Malda
Address: Village : Pakuahat, Post Office : Pakuahat District : Malda, State : West Bengal, India
City: Malda   Colleges in Malda
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: 9734014996, 9932848573
Official Website:
University: University of Gour Banga

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About Pakuahat Teachers Education College

Pakuahat Teachers Education College located in the Malda district of West Bengal was established in 2012. The college is affiliated with the University of Gour Banga, Malda and recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education. The college is duly recognized by the Government of West Bengal.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The college is located in a sprawling campus and has good quality infrastructure. The classrooms are spacious and airy and are loaded with all the requisite facilities needed for the smooth running of classes.
The college library has a good collection of text books, reference books, journals, magazines, reports and periodical. There is also a reading room beside the library.
The college has separate laboratories for Physics, Biology, Psychology and Geography. The laboratories are not very modern yet it has basic apparatus and tools to carry out the practical which enhances the learning process.
There is an auditorium cum conference room and a common room for girls. There is proper arrangement of safe drinking water and parking zone within the college campus.

Co-Curricular Activities

The college lays full stress on games and sports along with the academics. There is a small playground inside the campus where students play a number of games. The college provides sports material and equipment to play the game. The college also organizes many seminars and workshop to increase the students interaction and develop their communication skill and inculcate leadership quality. Students are also provided opportunity to teach in various middle, primary and high school to gain real life experience in teaching and overcome their hesitation.


The college is specialized in teachers' training and offers B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) and D.El.Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education). The college has produced many prominent teachers who are working in various prestigious educational institutions and are enlighting thousands of students with their knowledge and expertise.

If you want to be a part of this college and wish to pursue B.Ed or D.El.Ed then you must call the college office to get more information on admission procedure and fee structure. You can also mail them at their email id or visit their official website to get an overview of the college and facilities offered.

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