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Al Hera College of Education, North 24 Parganas

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College Name: Al Hera College of Education, North 24 Parganas
Address: Kodalia,Basirhat,
District-North 24 Pargonas ,
West Bengal, India
City: North 24 Parganas   Colleges in North 24 Parganas
State: West Bengal   Find Colleges in West Bengal
Phone Number: 9836459860, 9735363851
Official Website:
University: The West Bengal University of Teachers' Training, Education Planning and Administration

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Al Hera College of Education

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About Al Hera College of Education

Al Hera College of Education, located in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal was established in the year 2015. The recently established college is affiliated to the university of WBUTTEPA and recognized under National Council for Teachers Education. The college is duly recognized by the Government of West Bengal.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The college is located over a vast land area and has good quality infrastructure. There are separate blocks for each department. The classrooms are airy and ventilated and have all the requisite facilities and resources for the smooth running of classes.
There are separate laboratories to carry out practical for the subjects like Life Science, Physical Science, Geography etc. There are also arts and crafts resource center and Psychology resource center having ample resources and latest apparatus and tools which enhance the learning process of students.
The college library has a huge collection of text books, reference books, journals, magazines, reports and periodicals. There is a reading room attached with the library where students sit and read books from library. All the students are free to use and borrow books from library unless they follow the library rules.
There are common rooms for boys and girls and there is also an auditorium and multipurpose hall for organizing programs and competitions in the college. There is proper arrangement of safe drinking water and parking area within the campus.

Extracurricular Activities

There is a playground within the campus where students play numerous indoor and outdoor games. The college management provides all the facility and resources to students and encourages them to participate in various sports events organized by the college and the university. Many seminars and workshops are organized for the all round development of students and keep them up to date with latest happenings in the field of education.
The college also provides internship opportunity to students by providing them a chance to practice teaching in various schools across the city.


Al Hera College of Education imparts quality education in B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) course to students. However the college is new yet it is providing better facilities and quality education to students. With the sincere efforts and dedication of teaching and non teaching staffs, the college is gaining popularity among students for its quality.

If you wish to take admission at this college then you must contact with the college administration at the number provided above to get more details on admission procedure and fee structure. You can also mail them your queries at their email address.

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