About Sri Pathanjali Maharshi Naturopathy And Yoga Medical College, Guntakal
About collegeThe college management is taken care by Sri Adi Sadguru Educational Society which is working in the field of Nursing education and Paramedical science for more than 15 years. The college focuses on two main dimensions of treatments, naturopathy and yoga.
Naturopathy It is a medical philosophy which utilizes the innate capacity of the body in treating diseases. It includes various modalities like hydrotherapy, manual therapy, iridology, herbalism, aromatherapy, acupuncture, nutritional counseling and many more.
YogaYoga is a very old science which is considered as a tool to prevent diseases and even helps in developing one's personality in a natural way. It works on the principle of balance between mind and the body.
Course and admissionIt offers a 5 ½ years medical course named as Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences. The first 4 ½ years are for studies and the last one year is a clinical training period. Around 100 seats are available for this course and it requires 12th passed candidates in science subjects with at least 45% marks in aggregate. The students must have completed 17 years of age to become eligible for this course.
Apart from basic medical subjects, the course includes study of magnetotherapy, fasting therapy, chromotherapy, yoga and physical culture, hydrotherapy, etc.
FaciltiesThe college has an excellent hospital facility to support medical teaching, well-equipped laboratories with museum and anatomy dissection hall, a library and separate hostels for boys and girls. The hostels have separate vegetarian and non-vegetarian mess facilities.
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