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PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapur

Do you want to get more information about PVKK Institute of Technology located at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh? Read this college post to know about the courses and facilities offered in this college and also about the contact details and website details. Also, get a chance to represent this college at IndiaStudyChannel website as a Campus Representative.
College Name: PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapur
Address: Sanapa Road, Rudrampeta Anantapuramu - 515 001
Andhra Pradesh, India
City: Anantapur   Colleges in Anantapur
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: +91 95506 16861
Official Website:
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA)
Other popular names: PVKKIT

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PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapur

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About PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapur

About the college

PVKKIT is a private college which was established in the year 2008. It is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. Scholarship is available for the needy students. College events and festivals are conducted in this college from time to time. The students here get good industry exposure.


The faculty members of the college are well experienced and the college management is good. The teachers teaches the subjects in an easy manner so that the students doesn't find any difficulty in understanding the subject.


The college infrastructure is quite good when you compare it with rest of the colleges in Anantapur. The college has a big library and every class has a CCTV camera. Wi-Fi is not available in the college. College canteen is available and the food is provided at a reasonable price. There is separate hostel for both boys and girls. The hostel wardens are very friendly and they are like friends.


The college provides about 80% placement to the students. In this college, placement are quite good for branches like ECE and CSE. Many software companies comes to the college for campus selection. The stipend are provided as per the merit, talent and on the basis of experience. All kind of roles are offered to the students.

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