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ANK Degree College, Gorantla, Anantapur

Looking for information about the ANK Degree College at Gorantla, Anantapur, AP? Find information about the college infrastructure and contact details to get in touch with the college. Also, find information related to the courses offered by the college.
College Name: ANK Degree College, Gorantla, Anantapur
Address: Kadiri Main Road,
near Kasireddy Palli Village,
Gorantla, Andhra Pradesh - 515 231
City: Anantapur   Colleges in Anantapur
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 094913 63185, 099666 90812
Official Website:
University: Sri Krishnadevaraya University

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ANK Degree College, Gorantla

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About ANK Degree College, Gorantla

A.N.K. Degree College is a private college and it was established in the year 2010. It is recognized by UGC and it is affiliated to Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur. It got its affiliation in 2014. Within a short span of time, A.N.K. Degree College, Gorantla has progressed into one of the top educational institutes in the region. The college offers various graduate as well as post graduate courses. The aim of the college is to enhance the skills of the students related to the courses offered by the college. The faculty members are well qualified and have years of teaching experience. The college has got 11 male staff and 4 female staff. The students of the college can get scholarship depending upon criteria.


The college provides the best in class infrastructure and facilities The college has an auditorium, one common room, computer lab, laboratories with all necessary apparatus. Apart from this, the college has a big library with a good collection of books, journals and magazines. The library has about 700 books and 6 journals. It also has a big playground where the students can play different games and sports. Conference hall, separate room for girls and many other student friendly things are the features of this college.

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B.Sc. General
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