College Name: |
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Technology, Hampapuram, Anantapur, Anantapuramu
Address: |
N.H 44, Behind Anantha PVC Pipes, Hampapuram (V), Rapthadu (M), Anantapuramu (Dist), Andhra Pradesh – 515722
City: |
Anantapuramu Colleges in Anantapuramu |
State: |
Andhra Pradesh Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh |
Phone Number: |
9618469721, 9618469729 |
Email: |
Official Website: | |
University: |
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA) |
Other popular names: Svit
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Sri Venkateswara Institute of Technology, Hampapuram, Anantapur
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About Sri Venkateswara Institute of Technology, Hampapuram, Anantapur
About collegeSVIT is a private and self-funded technological institute started in 2009 in Hampapuram in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. The campus is having 15-acre areas and is 15 kilometers away from the Anantapur city. It started by Sri Venkateswara Educational Society, a Non-profit organization started by Dr.C. Somasekhara Reddy and his family. The college is approved by the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), New Delhi and has an affiliation to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. The college is offering technical undergraduate and postgraduate level courses.
FacilitiesThe campus is having well-equipped labs, seminar halls, advanced computers for learning and many more.
Library-The College has a central library in which the books are arranged as per the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. This library is having around 29000 volumes of books including many engineering books, technical literature, journals, etc. Apart from this, the college also has a digital library having around 20 systems through which students can get access to online magazines, journals, e-books, etc.
TransportationIt is available for the students from all over the city. There are many APSRTC buses also to fulfill the need of the students who are not using college's transportation facility.
HostelTo support the students from distant parts of the country, the college also started the hostel facility. They have separate hostels and mess for boys and girls.
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