Campus Representative of
Archana Degree College
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Archana Degree College
Introduction and Overview Archana degree college was established around three years ago. This college is still in its growth phase. With this college, the people of Nambulapulakunta have got another arts and science college in Anantapur. The number of teaching faculties here is moderate. In the future years the administrative head of this college plans to increase the number of departments in the college and hence increase the strength of the faculties. This college is affiliated to Sri Krisnadevraya University. There are six undergraduate courses conducted in this college with more than 30 seats for each subject.
Other Facilities Mostly, this college is chosen by the students to study science subjects. There is not much variation provided in the commerce subjects. This college has one big library. Although there is no internet facility provided in this area, the library provides most books, journals, etc. required for the courses. There is one laboratory and one computer center. The laboratory is used by the students of Botany and Zoology. Since this college is in its growing phase, the number of laboratories is less. There is an auditorium where annual functions, teacher's day celebrations and seminars are conducted. The seminars are held on important academic topics. There is also an area for the boys and girls to play sports.
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