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Shri Vivekananda Institute of Science, Guntakul

Are you looking for information about Shri Vivekananda Institute of Science in Guntakal, in district Anantapur of Andhra Pradesh? Are you thinking to take admission in this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with address, website and contact details.
College Name: Shri Vivekananda Institute of Science, Guntakul
Address: 20/342, Uravakonda Road,
Near RTC Bus Depot,
Andhra Pradesh - 515801
City: Guntakul   Colleges in Guntakul
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 958552 - 202467, 958552 - 222250
Official Website:
University: Sri Krishnadevaraya University
Other popular names: SVIS

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About Shri Vivekananda Institute of Science

College Overview

Shri Vivekananda Institute of Science is located in the district of Anantapur and in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is often known as SVIS. The educational institution was established in the year 2010. It is affiliated to Sri Krishnadevaraya University and it is approved by AICTE. The college offers courses in the field of MBA, MCA, and PhD in Management. It is a co-educational institution where both boys and girls are admitted to this college. The college is a State Public University. It's emphasis on providing quality education to the students to be in pace with the global standards. The college was established with a noble and generous intention to provide quality higher education, such as Management to the students of Guntakul and nearby places. All the faculty members of the college are well trained and have years of experience.

Eligibility for admission depends on the state MBA Entrance Exam or CAT (Common Admission Test).


The college has a well-developed infrastructure and facilities like a computer lab, a big auditorium, conference hall, indoor stadium, common room, and many other student-friendly features. The college also has outdoor sports facilities for playing different types of sports and games such as basketball, volleyball, football, cricket, etc.

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