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Sir C.V. RAMAN Institute of Management, Tadipatri

Are you looking for a management institute in Tadipatri, Andhra Pradesh? Do you want t to have the details about Sir C.V. Raman Institute of Management? If yes, then you are at the right place and all the general information can be obtained from below.
College Name: Sir C.V. RAMAN Institute of Management, Tadipatri
Address: Sir C.V. RAMAN Institute of Management
Anantapur Road, Tadipatri-515411.
Anantapur Dist. A.P
City: Tadipatri   Colleges in Tadipatri
State: Andhra Pradesh   Find Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
Phone Number: 9666082929, 8886999943
Official Website:
University: Sri Krishnadevaraya University
Other popular names: SCVRIM

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Sir C.V. RAMAN Institute of Management

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About Sir C.V. RAMAN Institute of Management

College Overview

Sir C.V. Raman Institute of Management which is also known as "SCVRIM" is located on the bank of the river Penna in Tadipatri town.
The college is running under "Sir C.V. Raman Education Society, Tadipatri". This society is managed and supported by well known academic institutes and social workers of Tadipatri. There also other 6 institutes also running and managing by this educational society with an aim to fulfill the educational requirement of the students in their area.


The college is having all the facilities or amenities to provide an excellent environment for learning. It is having permanent electric supply facility through 62.5 KV generator, an internet network connectivity in the whole college that too with the high speed of 10 Mbps, and hygienic water supply through Satya Sai water supply having mineral water plant.
Apart from that, they also have a canteen facility provide hygienic food and a medical facility available throughout the day.
The college has a total of 32 well-furnished classrooms, a library with more than 22000 books and well equipped laboratories with around 360 desktops installed in them.
The college has hostel facility with the capacity to accommodate around 500 students and also has a bus facility for both students and staff.

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