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DAV College, Sadhaura

Want to know contact details of DAV College in Sadhaura in Haryana? Also get course details of the college along with affiliation status and facilities provided at DAV College in Sadhaura of Haryana.
College Name: DAV College, Sadhaura
Address: Sadhaura District,
Haryana 133204
City: Sadhaura   Colleges in Sadhaura
State: Haryana   Find Colleges in Haryana
Phone Number: 01735 271230
Official Website:
University: Kurukshetra University

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About DAV College


DAV College Managing Committee is a word synonym to the education field as it has established various schools, colleges and other educational institutions across India and abroad one such college is at Sadhaura in Haryana known as DAV College.

This college was established in the year 1968 the college is constructed on a huge plot of over 20 acres of land the college has the distinction as the best college in the rural areas in the state of Haryana, the college has been accredited with B+ Grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore and affiliated with Kurukshetra University

Infrastructure facilities

The college being on a huge plot able to furnish sufficient space for each of its blocks including the classrooms, laboratories are using latest technology extensively, big play ground to support all outdoor and indoor sports and games further the college has a responsible staff employed in Anti Ragging Cell, Sexual Harassment Cell, NCC, Legal Literacy Cell, Career Guidance Cell, Women Development Cell, National Service Scheme and many more.

Courses offered

The college offers various Undergraduate and Post Graduate Courses few among them are as follows:
Undergraduate Courses
  • Bachelor of Arts under Humanities discipline
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Commerce under Vocational in Computer Application
  • Bachelor of Science, Non-medical

Postgraduate Courses
  • Master of Arts in English
  • Master of Commerce

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