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Madhubala Institute of Communication And Electronic Media, New Delhi

Would you like to get admission for specialised courses in a reputed Institute in New Delhi? This college page provides information about one such Institute, namely the Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronic Media located at New Delhi.
College Name: Madhubala Institute of Communication And Electronic Media, New Delhi
Address: 120-B, Madangir Village,
Behind Local Shopping Center,
New Delhi – 110062
City: New Delhi   Colleges in New Delhi
State: Delhi   Find Colleges in Delhi
Phone Number: 011 46012481, 011 64621117
Official Website:
University: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Other popular names: MBICEM

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Madhubala Institute of Communication And Electronic Media

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About Madhubala Institute of Communication And Electronic Media

Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronic Media located at New Delhi is one of the top-rated institutes for offering various specialised courses apart from short term and long duration programmes. The institute is providing exceptional coaching since 1996 and the courses are duly approved by the All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi. The institute is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.

Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronic Media conducts various short and long duration courses in programmes like Journalism, Mass Communication in Print, Radio, Television, Photo Journalism, Direction, Production, Lighting, Camera, Video Editing, Computer Graphics, Event Management, Advertising and Public Relations. The institute is the only one of its kind in India to offer all the above mentioned courses.

Infrastructure facility

The institute has a library with a good stock of national and international journals, magazines, newspapers, video cassettes containing feature films, video teaching programmers, audio cassettes containing sound tracks, film songs, sound effects, floppies, CDs and DVDs. The institute has a state of the art video editing laboratory with professional editing software, an audio studio with analog and digital types of microphones, recording and dubbing devices, laboratory for photography, video conference set-ups, newsrooms, computer laboratory and many more such facilities.


The institute is one of the oldest and best institute for Journalism and Mass Communication in the capital city. It conducts detailed and comprehensive courses that cover both theoretical and practical aspects. For admissions, candidates may contact the institute.

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